Kansas GOP Insider (wannabe): Elitist Reveals Desperation

Friday, May 20, 2016

Elitist Reveals Desperation

I am planning on never having to write this guy's name again. Jay Sidie, the old white elitist the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee pulled from his Mission Hills mansion to run against Congressman Kevin Yoder, has shown his hand.

Sidie's grand scheme in his campaign to unseat Yoder is to tie Yoder to Gov. Sam Brownback. Friends, that's just desperation.

Other than being members of the same party, Brownback and Yoder have very, very little in common and very little overlap. When Brownback was in the state legislature the Kansas Secretary of Agriculture, Yoder wasn't even born yet. For the most part, when Brownback was in the Washington, Yoder was in the state legislature. When Brownback became Governor, Yoder was in Washington. 

I have scoured pages and pages of goofballs who constantly post photos of politicians on Facebook, and I can barely find moments in which the two men are even in the same room. Sidie may as well accuse Yoder of being in cahoots with everyone who has blue eyes. It's a real stretch. I'm not saying they don't like one another. I'm not saying they don't know one another. I am saying, however, that to try to paint Yoder with the Brownback brush is quite the Monet. 

"It's like a painting see? From far away, it's OK, but up close, it's a big old mess."

As the November election draws closer, that desperate attempt to make Yoder somehow unlikeable -- because he knows a guy-- is going to fail in ways that are going to be uncomfortable and embarrassing for everyone involved. It's that vapid.

And it clearly shows the Dems don't plan to run on policy in the Kansas 3rd. They plan to run on At Least He's Not Brownback. I'm pretty sure Paul Davis tried that a year and a half ago against actual Brownback and it was an epic, epic fail.

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