Kansas GOP Insider (wannabe): Lawrence Dems -- just the crapholiest people

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lawrence Dems -- just the crapholiest people

Dakota Loomis doesn't like your crap-hole town.

The Kansas Democratic Party Communications Director used his own name on a KU message board commenting on  a thread about the most "craphole small towns.

Loomis has a lengthy list of ahem, not-so-nice Kansas towns. He wrote in a post that has since been deleted:

 “Gotta be more reminiscent of Missouri than the plains: BYE everyone but SE Kansas and Jetmore. Gotta be big enough to count as a city: BYE ELGIN, CHAUTAUQUA, TREECE. Can’t be too close to any cultural center/points of interest: BYE Crawford County. Gotta be poor, depressed, and getting worse: well, that doesn’t really help exclude folks in SE Kansas. Here are the top three contenders: Cherryvale, Columbus, and Galena.”

Honestly, he among us who has not poked fun at small towns on a college message board, raise your hands. OK. He among us who has poked fun at small towns using your own name when you're the communications director of a statewide party, quick show of hands.

Yeah. That's Dakota Loomis sitting all alone with his hand raised. It's a-OK to make a joke, but Loomis' posting on a public page shows a stunning lack of judgment.

Here's the link in the Pittsburg Morning Sun. 


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