Kansas GOP Insider (wannabe): Roberts -- the Most Vulnerable Republican Senator

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Roberts -- the Most Vulnerable Republican Senator

The Rothenberg Political Report is calling Sen. Pat Roberts the Most Vulnerable Republican Senator in the Country.

 Well, that's a hot mess.

The report makes a leap that may not actually come to pass, suggesting that Democrat Chad Taylor's name will definitely NOT appear on the November ballot and that the Kansas Senate race will feature only two candidates -- Independent Greg Orman (Democrat) and Roberts. 

"Democrat Chad Taylor dropped out of the race on Wednesday leaving independent Greg Orman as the Senator's main challenger and completely changing the math of the race," the report reads.

That actually remains to be seen. The Secretary of State's Office (lead by a very conservative Kris Kobach) is examining the legality of removing Taylor's name and if it is withdrawn, whether he must be replaced on the ballot.

So the report may be the victim of some bad math.

However, it draws some frightening conclusions about Sen. Roberts and his ridiculous campaign. 

Here's a taste:

Roberts’ long-time campaign manager LeRoy Towns told The Wichita Eagle after the race was over: “He went back home for two days or three to rest. I think he’s going to come back here the first of next week,” said Towns, referencing Roberts’ home in Virginia. Towns’ comments seemed tone deaf considering Roberts was dogged by residency questions throughout the race up to that point and the general election was not completely certain with the threat of a well-funded independent candidate.
And then there's this nugget:

Roberts has not been actively campaigning for about a month now. 
The report says Roberts is in "severe danger." I have to ask: Is the Roberts campaign trying to lose? 

And I think I'll just leave my words from a post a few weeks ago here:

 I sincerely wish Roberts would have done the right thing a year ago -- and that is decide against running for a fourth Senate term. We would have better candidates to choose from had he done so, and it's been obvious for quite some time which direction political winds were blowing. Kansans (and many around the country) have had enough of long-term federal legislators in Washington. 

I contend that had Roberts really, truly cared about Kansas, the state GOP and the country, he would've bowed out this year. He's a nice man, but his ego may be out-of-hand if he truly believes he's one of only two people in the state of Kansas who can fairly, accurately and reasonably represent the Sunflower State in the U.S. Senate.

If Roberts messes around and loses the U.S. Senate to the Democrats, he and his campaign should spend the 40 days and nights following the November election on a Great Apology Tour. They’ll have been a large cause of major, possibly irreparable, damage to the entire country – not to mention the damage to the Kansas GOP.

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